Discipleship Requires Accountability
A Must For All STUDENTS!
Porn Is Rewiring Your Brain! One tool in overcoming any struggle is accountability. So, NHE uses Covenant Eyes (CE) screen accountability to help in this journey.
- signing up for Covenant Eyes and downloading the Covenant Eyes App on all their devices (costs $17 e/mo total)
- Pastor Ron MUST be signed up as each student's first Ally
- Pastor Ron MUST also be given admin access to each student's CE account; along with full authority (i.e., permission) to talk with and make changes to account settings with CE support
Eventually, as you journey through NHE’s Find True Identity Discipleship you will develop your own accountability team (CE Allies). However, this takes time, trust, and approval. And when such a time is reached (for some that's a small amount of time and for others its much longer), allies should then install the Victory app on their iPhone® or Android™ so they can:
- Check device usage and activity via the Activity Feed
- Receive Activity Alerts (push notifications) if Potentially Concerning Events are detected
- Learn about pornography addiction with Victory's educational mini-courses
- Use Check-in Reminders to remind them to reach out to you, the person they're helping
NHE's Find True Identity Discipleship is a journey into God's Life and freedom in Christ. And that includes help and healing from sexual addiction and brokenness. As Mike Cleveland taught us in Setting Captives Free, the successful Christian Life is a journey of radical amputation of sins, radical appropriation of Jesus as Life (Galatians 2:20), and radical ACCOUNTABILITY within a Christian community; followed by an intimate relationship with Jesus--i.e., maintaining a constant attachment to Jesus, a passionate adoration of Jesus, and an accurate affirmation about and from Jesus; finally, a compelling articulation about Jesus and our freedom in Christ. We just can't keep our mouths shut when Jesus sets us free. And as I've learned, 'set free to learn how to live free' (Galatians 5:1)
Accountability is one of seven milestones in the Christian journey. But it's essential. God created us for relationship, for community. The lone wolf fails.
If you cannot afford CE's monthly cost of $17, do NOT let that keep you from enrolling. Go ahead and download the CE app (it's free). Then talk with Pastor Ron about other options. This may require some personal and financial information.